Preventative Maintenance
Keep Yourself Protected

Preventative Maintenance

Preventive or preventative maintenance is routine maintenance which is designed to prevent the need for more costly repairs. By regularly engaging in activities which contribute to the upkeep of your network, a business owner may be able to sidestep serious problems which arise as a result of neglect, and more expensive maintenance can be delayed. Many people regard preventive maintenance as a critical part of caring for a network, and this practice is viewed as cost-effective, sound, and highly advisable for business owners.

In order for your network to run as intended, every piece of the network must work correctly. Preventative maintenance is concerned with anything that can be done to prevent any component of your network from failing.

What is Included

  • client computers (also referred to as workstations) – PCs, Apple OS, Laptops, desktop and other handheld devices.
  • servers – the computers controlling specific parts of the network
  • peripherals – devices such as printers, whiteboards or scanners that are connected to client or server computers
  • devices such as hubs, switches, bridges and routers that are used to control the network
  • the equipment used to connect the network together, whether cables or wireless devices or a combination of the two
  • the software running on all this equipment.
Preventative Maintenance

Preventative Maintenance

Proactive Monitoring

Cost Effective

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